more people, i ll say again, have died this year in 2021 then died in 2020. and joe biden promised to get it under control. despite the lack of hysteria and of course jove is in the media mob protection program, now, this is a disaster enters statistic for someone that promo be covid-19 and had three vaccines and therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies. make no mistake, biden takes zero responsibility. he likes to blame you and school deal, the american people. he likes to play dr. joe and dr. joe will only mention monoclonal antibodies for the first time. about three weeks ago, like most liberals, he doesn t trust if we do, the american people. by the way we do not have a shortage of monoclonal antibodies but he decided to ration it because governors like ron desantis said of the centers all throughout florida with breakthrough cases and for the unvaccinated. they are great results.
thank you for staying up to watch with us and whatjo and nigel. let s start with the observer, which leads with the commons speaker sir lindsay hoyle calling for a kinderform of political discourse, following the death of sir david amess. the telegraph say the murder suspect, ali harbi, was not known to m15 despite being referred to the counter terrorism prevent programme. in the wake of the attack, the home secretary priti patel is devising a police protection plan for mp5. that makes the front page of the independent. the sunday express also says the suspect was flagged for deradicalisation. its headline is we won t let terror win. and the sunday times reports that sir david amess last act was to help children understand democracy. the paper details the final phone conversation he had, moments before his death. so, let s begin. jove, do you want to kick us off this evening? shall we start with the sunday times, that is ok with
Senyor ministre m he fet gran. No sé si tant com vostè que és una mica més jove (del 60, jo del 58) i semblaria que comença a perdre habilitats comunicatives o potser és que en aquest món que.
El número dos del ministre Marlaska a Interior, Rafael Pérez Ruiz, és tan jove com la democràcia espanyola, no va conviure amb Franco, ni amb la brigada social, ni amb els grisos, ni amb els torturadors.
Angel Almazán Luna no estava borratxo ni es va topar amb una farola aquell 15 de desembre de 1976 que el país votava sobre la Reforma Política. El jove de 18 anys participava en la manifestació convocada.