Travelling abroad this year? Make sure you have the right credit card to maximise rewards and minimise fees. With numerous options available, it can be challenging to find the perfect card for your overseas spending needs. To help you navigate the credit card landscape, we've compiled a list of the nine best credit cards in Singapore for overseas spending in.
OFTENTIMES, the journey towards achieving our goals or dreams is a bumpy one, filled with obstacles to test our endurance and patience – much like the journey to an exciting holiday that we have been looking forward to, only to stumble, sweat and swear throughout the trip because such is life.
"Spend your way to your next getaway", Standard Chartered (SC) proclaims of their newly rebranded Standard Chartered Journey Credit Card. The idea they're trying to sell you is simple: Charge purchases to your SC Journey Credit Card, and they'll reward you with miles for your everyday spending. So that Gojek ride? That Foodpanda delivery? They'll all count towards your next.