zones work to your advtage with a show that is on this late on the east at night. so we hope we have permission to call upon you and ask you a few questions again in the future ambassador. thank you very much for joining us. thank you. former ambassador chris hill. let s bring in two journalism veterans, ron 4-in-1ier, long time associated press bhous white house correspondent and washington bureau chief. he is with us from detroit where he is editor and publisher of crane s detroit business. and charlie sykes. charlie, proximity tonight wins. you go first. and that is the political reaction to syria today. and i want to throw up on the screen why it s tough for donald trump, sean spicer, anyone speaking if their name to respond to this is his twitter history on do not attack syria, syria is not our problem. as a friend of mine always says,
they worry we would put troops on the yallo, we would put listening posts up there. we have to have a really deep dive with the chinese. i think live is all about trying to set some priorities, and we need to make this north korean issue a priority. this is not going away on its own, and it is by far the most dangerous issue that we face in the world including from that possibility of their holding u.s. cities hostage with icbms. as luck would have it, the chinese are coming to, of all places, mar-a-lago for the weekend. so let s hope for fruitful talks. i can t help but noting the time zones work to your advantage with a show that is on this late on the east at night, so we hope we have permission to call upon you and ask you a few questions again in the future, ambassador. thank you very much for joining us. thank you. former ambassador chris hill. let s bring in two journalism veterans,on fornay, long time associated press