now, the media is not liberal. i m going to let you reply to what she is going to say before she says it. how do you answer? you are going to lie to me reply to marry anne? bill: she s not going to cop to that. i can t read minds. the majority of journalism professors, the vast majority, 90 plus percent of this country, or liberals for the journalists they produce are liberal. they love going to the white house correspondents dinner, now that there is a republican office, they don t want to go to the dinar. we see questions being asked to the republican administration that we don t see being asked of democratic administrations. the list goes on and on. it is clear that the press is biased to the left and there is a reason why andrew breitbart used to called a democratic media complex because it exactly what it is. bill: marry anne, go ahead, state your case real quick, then, i ll get to the specific questions. [laughs] thanks, bill. there are some are progressive
what she is going to say before she says it. how do you answer? you are going to let me reply to mary anne? saying the press is not liberal. bill: she s not going to cop to that. i can t read minds. i m not sure what she s going to say. the majority of journalism professors, the vast majority, 90 plus percent of this country, are liberals. the journalists they produce are liberal. they love going to the, white house correspondents f dinner, now that there is a republican in office, they don want to go to the dinner. we see questions being asked to the republican administrationbl that we don t see being asked or democratic administrations. the list goes on and on. it is clear that the press is biased to the left and there is a reason why andrew breitbart used to call it a democratic media complex because it exactly what it is. a bill: mary anne, go ahead, state your case real quick,wh then i ll get to the specific questions. [laughs] thanks, bill. are there some progressive r
or knock down the specific claims and then when it emerges that there s a public national conversation about a secret dump document with dark, mysterious claims that we can t show you because it will burn your eyes out, that to me is the moment when responsible organizations ought to say to your audience, we can t tell you to trust this but this is what your betters are talking about and refusing to show you and we feel we should share that with our audience. well, journalism professors around the country are very thankful because they now have an easy second semester class. at least syllabus to write. thank you for the extra minute. ben smith, thank you very much. we ll be right back.
right. the network was scared of the right. i think economically, they were scared of a right-wing boycott of the show. so, what s different here is, you know, it s little old media matters and journalism professors who are okay, let s not whip out the smallest violin in the world. it s also the white house and the state department. sure. and some of the most powerful people in the world, right? sure, but the republican party was out there attacking dan rather. i don t see the democratic party doing that, right? i want to play this clip from lara logan that s now getting a lot of play. and let me just say, i have no opinions one way or the other about lara logan s body of work and don t feel i m here to go after lara logan. i simply don t know. i know this story and some of her other work. this is a speech she gave to the better government association in chicago last year. take a listen. there is a big song and dance about whether this was a terrorist attack or a protest,
right. i think economically, they were scared of a right-wing boycott of the show. so, what s different here is, you know, it s little old media matters and journalism professors who are okay, let s not whip out the smallest violin in the world. it s also the white house and the state department. sure. and some of the most powerful people in the world, right? sure, but the republican party was out there attacking dan rather. i don t see the democratic party doing that, right? i want to play this clip from lara logan that s now getting a lot of play. and let me just say, i have no opinions one way or the other about lara logan s body of work and don t feel i m here to go after lara logan. i simply don t know. i know this story and some of her other work. this is a speech she gave to the better government association in chicago last year. take a listen. there is a big song and dance about whether this was a terrorist attack or a protest, and you just want to scream, for god