/PRNewswire/ Berkeley Research Group (BRG), a global strategic advisory and expert consulting firm, announced today that labor economists Mike DuMond, PhD,.
Discuss about the Business Case Development. The Strong Australian Currency and high oil prices threaten its profitability, but it can exploit the online retail, and the ASEAN open skies agreement opportunities.
Michael Porters developed the Porters five model, a tool for analysis of a business’ competitive environment, such as Qantas’, to strategically position a business to weather the competition (Porter, 2006). First, the aviation industry in Australia is very competitive with new entrants making forays into the market making it quite a competitive market for Qantas (Ansoff, 2005). Second, Qantas airlines have little bargaining power over the suppliers, and they can negatively affect the company by changes in their price. Third, the purchasers of Qantas services in Australia are unlikely to shift loyalties to the other competitors. Forth, air transport, especially for international travels and hopping between islands in Australia cannot be
Richard Freeman, Xiaoying Li
The growth of insecure or precarious work has been well-documented, and the OECD notes that “the rights and protections of vulnerable workers falling outside the traditional remit of labour law and social protection should be strengthened” (OECD 2019: 15). Some commentators also note that trade unions play a useful role in reducing worker exploitation and counteracting the monopoly power of the firm (McNicholas et al. 2020).
While examples of precarious work can be found all over the globe, a particularly interesting example is provided by Chinese rural-urban migrants. Over the past few decades, China’s rapid industrialisation has been accompanied by mass migration as workers move from rural areas to cities in search of better pay. But in this large-scale rural-urban migration, the rights of migrants have not kept pace with those of urban workers. Migrants have been essentially treated as guest workers with few rights and limited access to social