jon: well, president obama is reportedly growing tired of sorries about in sa spying. it has been more than six months news of the agency s sweeping surveillance practices broke. in an interview hitting newsstands today the president told people magazine he is quote, frustrated generally about the snowden disclosures and about some reporting around it. have the media also grown tired of the story? is that journal listic malpractice? let s bring in our panel. judith miller a pulitzer prize-winning reporter and fox news contributor and. laura is a analyst for media buzz and fox news contributor as well. you saw the piece in your former employer the new york times which the author says mr. obama was surprised at the uproar that ensued over the snowden
fantastic bill. but those things aside. the whole thing is terribly embarrassing. the american people, we ll do winners and losers thing. american people are losers. washington is a loser collectively. pretty much the entire journal listic establishment to a certain extent to a loser in the sense that, you know, we watched this thing unfold for 17 months and couldn t create a situation where cooler or saner heads prevailed. and you know, in a sense we avoided going over the fiscal cliff but a like a wiley coyote cartoon, the coyote makes to the edge. cliff and entire cliff starts to fracture and precipice goes down anyway. all the fights will get worse in the next couple months with the debt ceiling or what not. take away, cheer up the best is yet to come. jon: the big fight is down the road and they have kicked the can. talk about speaker boehner
first here is charles on that. this is really a journal listic scandal. the fact there was not a word about any of this in the times and the post today. bill: today s another day. steve hayes, senior writer, weekly standard. . good morning, bill. bill: let the record show, new york times today, page a of-6. e-mails offer a chrims glimpse of what news. the post, a-9, militant group night of libya attack. yesterday was there anything in those papers? i woke up first thing because the story broke the night before at about 9:30. we had some of it at fox. cbs done a story on it. i spent the better part of the day following what was happening on the washington post website, on the new york times website. they didn t pop a story. so the new york times at one point had three stories on richard mourdock and his