Speechwriter, but in making a film about them. Which is how i came to be a today. I made a film in 2006, seven, eight, about the obama campaign, and one of my favorite parts about the film is getting to spend time with the speechwriters. And when i met dick goodwin a aa screen for the family started telling me stories, and the stories were so rich and so colorful that i thought this would be a great subject for a documentary. And knows all these guys really well and knows where all the bodies are buried. So without further ado, i would like to introduce robert and you are in for a real treat. Thank you. [applause] thank you for that wonderful introduction. I want to thank david murray the professional speech Writers Association for putting this panel on. I want to thank georgetown for hosting us. I want to thank cspan for preserving for posterity that will no doubt be great wisdom from this panel. So the Space Shuttle has blown up yet there has been a terrorist attack. There has been a