What’s in a name? The curious case of a nameless grasshopper will tell you that there is more to a name than meets the eye. To declare a species as new to science, scientists name and describe the plant, animal or other organism in a journal. But researchers say photographs were not enough for the […]
(Photo from Magnolia Press)
The newly identified species was named Tegotettix derijei, also known as Mindanao horned pygmy devil.
It was studied and described by scientists Victor B. Amoroso, Alma Baguhin Mohagan, and Romeo Rogano Patano Jr. of Central Mindanao University (CMU), Josef Tumbrinck of University of Münster, and Josip Skejo of University of Zagreb, and published in the international peer-reviewed scientific journal Zootaxa in its February 2021 issue.
The Mindanao horned pygmy devil is described as a “new peculiar, spiky, and yellowish species” of the genus Tegotettix Hancock from Davao region.
Of the 10 species under genus Tegotettix Hancock, Tegotettix derijei is the third known species in the Philippines. The other two species are Tegotettix corniculatus and Tegotettix sagittarius.