Convicted of the crime and sentenced to life without parole: 23-year-old Tevin Raeshaun Johnson.
Reports indicate that Johnson befriended Morris then followed her to the victim s motel room. A witness claimed Johnson was not welcomed by his victim. [
I was unable to uncover any white-on-black homicides during February. Please contact me if you are aware of one.
Federal government data on inter-racial crime is extremely opaque. reveals that in 2019 there were 5,787 white homicide victims and 7,484 black victims. In both cases, the race of the killer(s) was unspecified, but most blacks are known to be killed by other blacks.
Williams and a woman were fatally hit during the ‘incident’.
Relative disputes official story
parking lotas he was attempting to flee the scene, the
Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office said.
The woman was shot dead near the store’s front door.
Belle Chasse woman,
Veronica Billiot, 59. Her sister said she had gone to pick up a gun she had ordered for protection when an argument started nearby.
Two others were also injured the hail of gunfire, one of whom was Williams’ brother.
His brother and the other victim were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
Speaking to NOLA, a relative of Williams’ questioned the police’s account of what happened in the moments before the shooting.
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It was a busy Saturday afternoon at the Jefferson Gun Outlet in Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans. Customers and staff were in the store, some were in the shooting range and others were in a class on concealed weapons.
The Associated Press reported that one person entered the store and fatally shot two people, prompting customers and staff to open fire on the shooter, according to Jefferson Parish Sheriff Joseph Lopinto. Dead are store clerk Noah Fischbach, 47; customer Veronica Billot, 59; and the shooter, Joshua Jamal Williams. Lopinto said two men also were hit by gunfire and were hospitalized in stable condition.