and that person got the ration and had to split it among everyone else. and again, try to imagine that, if i gave you let s say we gave nicole a loaf of bread. and she has to split it among 35 people. right? how are you going to split it? very carefully. very carefully indeed. because if you come up short, who doesn t get the ration? you do. so this is kind of the prickly situation here. the person who is responsible for issuing these rations has the most power. and also the ones who stand to suffer the most because if they issue these rations disproportionately, they re the ones that go without rations for that particular day. and incidentally, one of the things they also hated about wurz is that wurz had a series of wagons that would come in every morning and they would pick up the dead. because every day there was about a pile of about a dozen dead men. and they would be taken out and buried outside the prison. well, the same wagon that took out the dead would also c