The 500 block of Yampa in front of The Find and Cornerstone Realty, as seen on Thursday, Jan. 7. The city of Craig is planning a sidewalk renovation project, slated to start later this year on the 400 and 500 blocks of Yampa. (Joshua Carney / Craig Press)
Some downtown business owners have mixed feelings about the sidewalk reconstruction project along the 400 and 500 blocks of Yampa Avenue.The news that construction would begin on the stretch of downtown was announced on Jan. 6 at a Public Works meeting.
According to Landmark Consultant’s partner, Eric Griepentrog, the project will take most if not all of 2021.
Some business owners worry construction could block off entryways to their business. The effects of diminished foot traffic could hit even harder coming on the heels of the pandemic.
Ray and Dixie Beck enjoying retirement together inside their historic home on Colorado Street. (Joshua Carney / Craig Press)
After a number of years putting outside commitments ahead of time together, Ray and Dixie Beck are riding off together into the sunset with a grand new adventure awaiting them.
Following 30 years of service to the Craig Police Department as the Records Manager, Dixie Beck called it a career on Dec. 29. Just a few weeks later, Ray Beck walked way from local politics (for the time being) after nearly 14 years of service, including a two-term stint on city council, a term as Mayor and one term as a county commissioner.
David Bruce Cummings (right) is sworn in by City Judge Jay Cranmer Tuesday night. (Joshua Carney / Craig Press)
A little under a month after Craig’s city council appointed him to fill a vacant seat, David Bruce Cummings was sworn in during Tuesday night’s meeting by City Judge Jay Cranmer.
Cummings took the oath of office in front of fellow councilors, staff, family, friends and community members inside the council chambers shortly after the start of the first meeting of the year.
The Craig resident filled the vacant seat of former councilor Tony Bohrer, who coincidentally was sworn into office as a county commissioner Tuesday morning at the Moffat County Courthouse.
New District 2 County Commissioner Melody Villard is sworn into office Tuesday morning by Moffat County Judge Brittany Schneider inside the BOCC chambers. (Joshua Carney / Craig Press)
Six months of waiting is finally over for Tony Bohrer and Melody Villard. The two new commissioners, in Districts 1 & 2 respectively, were sworn in Tuesday morning inside the Board of County Commissioner Chambers in front of family, other local elected officials, and a Zoom audience.
Moffat County Court Judge Brittany Schneider presided over the ceremony, swearing in Villard and Bohrer through an oath of office.
Villard previously defeated Chuck Grobe in the June 30 primary election, netting nearly 1,800 votes to replace former District 2 Commissioner Ray Beck, who’s four-year term ended. Bohrer defeated incumbent District 1 Commissioner Don Cook, who didn’t receive enough delegate votes in March to stay on the primary ballot.
The year in news for 2020 was full of both stories of cheer and unfortunate incidents alike at the local level, from feel-good stories, to unfortunate crime incidents and the overwhelming wave of COVID-19 news.
While social media and other online outlets have afforded the Craig Press significant internet views throughout the year, the Craig Press staff narrowed down the top 20 stories based purely on pageviews at
Story Total online pageviews
No. 20 Craig woman receives breast cancer diagnosis, joining her mother in on-going battle 4,332
When Craig resident Tina Schukar felt a sharp pain in her side and in her arm in late May, she thought it was just a torn muscle at first. When the pain wouldn’t go away, she went to see a doctor, who then discovered a lump in her breast.