As the father of three boys in the yeshiva school system in Brooklyn, and a product of this system myself, I feel a strong need to speak up regarding the proposed government regulation of our yeshiva curriculum specifically the state rule that would increase oversight to ensure that these schools are offering an education that is substantially equivalent to what the public schools offer.
Jewish Queen Alexandra
We revere Queen Esther deservedly but too often overlook another queen, this one who ruled Judah, Queen Salome Alexandra (Hebrew -Shalaziyyon) whose rule was not simply outstanding, but whose rule likely dramatically altered history in saving Judaism as we know it. Alexandra (141-67 BCE) was the wife of the first Maccabean ruler Aristobolus l (and later wife of his brother Alexander Jannaeus) to become king since the fall of the First Temple. Her accomplishments were nothing less than extraordinary, and she entered upon the scene of Jewish history beginning with her marriage to Arisobolus l of Maccabean origins but her under-recognized lasting accomplishment was during the official reign of her second husband Alexander Jannaeus and her 9 years of her official reign as queen..