public has the right to know. he s not going to expose cia agents. he s not an irresponsible guy. you may disagree with what he s doing on some level but he s not putting it out there willie nilly. i don t claim to be his best friend, but i think he s doing his job. and every journalist has a different approach and he can t be kiboshed. sun light is the best disinfectant until you get burned in a case like this. i think that this could go any direction at this point. let s take a move to the irs scandalle. because in your piece, joshg josh, on congressman darrell issa and the irs investigation you write in part, quote, after a burst of attention his investigation appears to have stalled even though he turned up embarrassing official. dressed up as spock? oh, was that him? issas hasn t made the all-important connection to the white house. and he may not be able to.