Letter to the editor from Josh Tattrie of Bluffton, Ohio in response to the Icon's July 13 article. On 6/22/23 (Police Report # 2023-00003850) I was hit (t-boned) at the intersection of 103 and County Line. I was hospitalized and spent 3 days in the ICU. I was initially transported to the Bluffton ER and then the Findlay ER. I had internal bleeding on my brain. I cannot find
$6.7M in state funds headed to Allen Co.
By Josh Ellerbrock - jellerbrock@limanews.com
LIMA Thanks to the state’s latest capital budget, a total of $6.7 million is expected to head to multiple projects in Allen County, including sizable appropriations for Lima’s downtown amphitheater project, The Ohio State University-Lima and Rhodes State College.
Out of the 11 allocations set aside for Allen County, the largest single line item is $1.7 million allocated to OSU-Lima’s project to renovate the campus’s oldest building Galvin Hall.
“Everybody that’s been a student at OSU-Lima have taken classes in that building. The faculty that has worked has taught there. It is the center of OSU’s presence on that campus. It was established in the late ’60s, and now it’s time for some investment to bring it up to a 21st century educational environment,” OSU-LIMA Dean and Director Tim Rehner said.