some of us, scared. some of us, angry. some of us, trying to figure out don t think i want this job anymore. i personally demand that the tears of all the students scared to go through the day and the system that you are charged with protecting will haunt you until you make this right. i have a 4-year-old, a 6-year-old who cannot effectively hide i love them to bits and pieces, but when you have children who think you can t see them when they are under a blanket, how are they going to be able to survive these situations. those parents aren t alone. go back to 2013 and there were about 30 to 40 school shootings in k-12 every year. that has skyrocketed. now more than 300 last year. that s not counting more than a dozen so far this year. josh sugarman is the executive director of the vie listens policy center, and joe walsh is a former congressman from illinois. i saw one article about that
at school, more discipline for the kids, that all matters. but we have to look at the gun too. josh is right. look at this case. here s something that 6-year-old s mother legally purchased that gun. how aubt liability for an adult for negligent storage of that firearm when a minor is there. it s moments like this where we could sit down and find two to three things we agree on. let me see if there s another one. you mentioned the guns that are being marketed by the industry. and against this backdrop, you have this company called we won marketing child-sized assault rifles. and it s an ar-15 style assault rifle. it s made for kids. they call it a jr-15. it s being marked for gun marketers in las vegas. we reached out to the company.
shooting a teacher. there was also this video that s gone viral. a 4-year-old with a loaded gun in an apartment hallway. what s the definition of responsible here? do there have to be laws about securing weapons around children? tell me what s responsible gun ownership looks like. start here. think about what we are talking about right now. in america last week, a 6-year-old walked into his classroom with a gun and shot his teacher. a 6-year-old. i am as strident a gun rights advocate, but if that doesn t get me and every gun owner in this country to pause and to think and to say, oh my god, we have to look at everything. i agree with josh. you listen to those parents. metal detectors, more security
reform. i work with an organization called 97% u.s. responsible gun owners, what they would support. and i think josh would agree, if we focus on doing everything we can do up front to make sure somebody who shouldn t have a gun doesn t get a gun, universal background checks, mandating permitting and training for people who conceal carry. i agree. looking at this marketing to kids, i really do believe the vast majority of gun owners like me want to sit at that table and discuss these reforms. i really do. let s hope it happens. congressman, you re going to stay with me. josh, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today. now to congress, where among the members with important new committee assignments is marjorie taylor greene, who once claimed that some school shootings were staged. she is one of several far right