Construction, wholesaling and retailing. The latest number is 111. 2. This is higher than forecast. The market was around about 110. 5. The number is certainly improving. This after that drop that we saw back in march. 110. 7 is what we had. The pull back was related to the sanctions and also in relation to a strong number in february. Some people thought this was a natural correction that was starting to happen. Efo says theres no revision to that march number as well. This has been the reaction in euro dollar, a positive tick higher for the currency. Theres a key speech coming up later today by mario draghi which could further move the currency today. Alston shares are soaring despite the company denying reports that General Electric is seeking to acquire the firm for 13 billion. A spokes pernl says alston is, quote, not informed of any public offer for their the firm the firms sh bouygues is also up 4 . Lets go out to stephan. They are not aware of any offer, however, it doesnt say