to the two former lieutenants who started a gofundme to try to rescue two interpreters and their families. right now i want to take a moment, if you ll indulge me, to talk to them, talk to those who sacrificed over there, whether losing a friend or a loved one or a limb or the ability to sleep soundly at night or whatever. i have worn this bracelet for years now. it has the name of the eight men killed in combat october 2nd, 2009, kevin thompson, josh kirk, michael scuza, chris griffin, josh hart, justin gallegos, vernon martin, and stephon mace. every one of those eight men was killed that day trying to help defend the camp and save the lives of his fellow soldiers. and, yes, that combat outpost was ultimately abandoned and, yes, we can question why they were there defending an outpost
created in afghanistan. to the two former lieutenants who started a gofundme to try to rescue two interpreters and their families. right now i want to take a moment if you ll indulge me to talk to them, talk to those who sacrificed over there, whether losing a friend or a loved one or a limb or the ability to sleep soundly at night or whatever. i have worn this bracelet for years now. it has the name of the eight men killed in combat october 2nd, 2009, kevin thompson, josh kirk, michael scuza, chris griffin, josh hart, justin gallegos, vernon martin, and stephon mace. every one of those eight men was killed that day trying to help defend the camp and save the lives of his fellow soldiers. and, yes, that combat outpost was ultimately abandoned and, yes, we can question why they
As per the official synopsis, Winter is loosening its grip on the mountains of North America. But that doesn’t mean life here is getting any easier. As the thaw begins and rivers start to swell with raging runoff, new opportunities open up for the mountain men to stockpile supplies, grow their own food and fortify their homesteads. But this spring… They’re digging deep like never before. The mountain men and their families are masters of independence and living off the land. But even they are preparing for a changing world- one where the ultimate test may be who can brace for the worst in America’s wilderness.
It seems like Wyoming has a lot of famous people surrounding it. I m not talking about the yuppies that come here because it s cheaper than LA and much prettier. I m talking about actual people from Wyoming are having light shed on them for awesome things that they re doing. We aren t even talking about a novel from C.J. Box getting a TV deal, though, I think we re all ok with more of those coming to a small(or big) screen near you.
Josh Kirk, who has been on the History Channel show, Mountain Men, is set to come to the Capital City for a celebration at Powder River Art Gallery, where he ll perform some music.