NGO Monitor cited finding celebratory posts from Palestinian Arabic-language ones on Facebook specifically praising the October 7 massacre, which ultimately contradicts the claims made by 7amleh.
To avoid moderation by algorithms, users post about 'P les+in1ans,' 't rr0rism', and 'Pa&lesti ne,' inventing new codes and work-arounds whenever the AI catches on.
Kevin Khadavi, a Jewish student at Stanford University, got a call from his grandmother last week urging him not to wear his Star of David necklace around campus, for fear his display of Jewish identity could make him a target. "Don't make yourself obvious," she texted him afterwards. At Washington University in St. Louis, a Muslim student named Haniah decided.
By Gabriella Borter and Joseph Ax (Reuters) - Kevin Khadavi, a Jewish student at Stanford University, got a call from his grandmother last week urging.