AMMAN The ancient stronghold of Machaerus is a prominent archaeological site located approximately 25 kilometres southeast from the mouth of the Jordan River. “The site was discovered by the German explorer Ulrich Jasper Seetzen [1767-1811] in 1807, and he was the first to identify the site as the ancient Machaerus ‘sword’, mentioned by Roman geographers and historians
AMMAN The ancient stronghold of Machaerus is a prominent archaeological site located approximately 25 kilometres southeast from the mouth of the Jordan River. “The site was discovered by the German explorer Ulrich Jasper Seetzen [1767-1811] in 1807, and he was the first to identify the site as the ancient Machaerus ‘sword’, mentioned by Roman geographers and historians
As we come to the end of Chanukah, apart from the heroics, there is another side to the Hasmoneans I am not particularly proud of. To be specific, it is their propensity for forced circumcision and conversion. In those days, two and a half thousand years ago, victorious armies, in addition to massacring defeated people, sometimes…