LISBON In Columbiana County Municipal Court, Daniel Hale, 66, Cuyahoga Falls, was fined $750 and sentenced to seven days in jail, with credit for two days s
Common Pleas New Cases Danielle Shipley, Reynolds Street, East Liverpool, vs. Jason Shipley, Conway, Pa.; divorce sought. Docket Entries U.S. Bank Nation
Lisbon A juvenile driver from Columbiana was cited for running a stop sign after striking a vehicle operated by Stanley Cusick of Lisbon at the intersection of West Spruce and North Beaver Streets on Tuesday. A garbage truck ran over the basement doors of a home at 219 E. Lincoln Way on Tuesday.
Highway Patrol Benjamin Michael J. McEwen, 16, New Waterford, was traveling on Salem Grange Road in Salem Township at 10:18 p.m. Friday when he lost control of his vehicle due to icy conditions and went off the road, striking an embankment and a mailbox before overturning. McEwen was cited with failure to control.