To the Editor:
February 20, 2021
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Dear Cub Scout Pack 6, BSA Troop 280 and Troop 28: Your families have teamed up to make and deliver brown bag lunches for three years running! You embody the spirit of Bridges Outreach, a homeless advocacy organization in Summit, NJ, by coming together to bridge the gap between the housed and the homeless, even when challenges have come your way.
Last year, you had just lost your home at Stanley Congregational Church and needed new digs. You persevered, found a warm welcome at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, and held a wonderful lunch-making event. Now the pandemic, what to do? Luckily, Cubmaster Joseph Basralian and Troop Leader Daniele Basralian came up with a solution: their first-ever Zoom lunch-making events! Families signe