The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mikaddo Holdings Limited, Dr Michael Agyekum Addo, has stressed the need for the country to put premium on the creation of indigenous entrepreneurs to accelerate its economic growth.
Let’s not leave everything on government’s shoulders - JAPP Foundation
The Apostle Joseph Ayim Prempeh, Founder of Joseph Ayim Prempeh and Partners (JAPP) Foundation, has advised Ghanaians to help improve the lives of the vulnerable and not leave everything on the shoulders of government. “We have the mandate as children of God to reflect the love of our Creator whose love transcends every region, religion, ethnicity and race. All of us will be accountable for what we do,” he said. Apostle Prempeh said this at the launch of a holistic free health screening and National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) registration and renewal for head potters (Kayayei) at the Agbogbloshie Market, organised by the Foundation, to mark the Universal Health Coverage Day.