Flight time from Havana to Taluqan. Get exact flying time between Jose Marti International Airport, Havana, Cuba and Taluqan Airport, Taluqan, Afghanistan. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Havana & Taluqan. Havana Airport to Taluqan Airport (HAV to TQN) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Havana to Uruzgan. Get exact flying time between Jose Marti International Airport, Havana, Cuba and Uruzgan Airport, Uruzgan, Afghanistan. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Havana & Uruzgan. Havana Airport to Uruzgan Airport (HAV to URZ) flight duration and operating airlines.
The People's Forum a participating organization in the trip said travelers were held and questioned for hours at airports and phones were wrongfully seized and searched by custom officials.
By Peoples Dispatch
On Wednesday, several members of various organizations in the U.S., who had tr