The Occupational Safety and Health Administration identified three hazardous conditions that led to the death of North Central Solid Waste Authority employee Alfred Trujillo, 47.
Survivors of the 1985 Nevado Del Ruiz volcanic eruption have turned into repeat disaster skeptics as the previous calamity has set the bar for them. Read more here.
Screams, dismembered bodies among the thousands dead, and his town buried in mud. Survivor William Suarez remembers the horror of Colombia's Nevado del Ruiz volcanic eruption of 1985, but he dismisses…
Screams, dismembered bodies among the thousands dead, and his town buried in mud. Survivor William Suarez remembers the horror of Colombia's Nevado del Ruiz
TUCSON (KVOA) - As the deadline for Title 42 is getting closer, nearby shelters and center helping migrants seeking political asylum are filling up fast and getting busy.