are addicts and falling through the cracks are being incarcerated for a procession of drugs. also, take this opportunity to support my fellow colleagues, marilyn, larry saxxon and lange. thank you. chair kim: thank you. hello, supervisors, those of you that i can see. i m jessica layman, also a senior and disability action, formerly i was going to say pretty much the same things that james said but without the same humor that he is able to bring to it. but i do want to pass on our recommendation that you put jazzie collins and aaron parness on the lgbt task force. let me tell you first, i find it really exciting that the task force is coming together. it s clearly much needed in this city. thank you to that. i was in my office until i raced in just now, watching everybody on sfgov-tv. it s a wonderful group of applicants. weaver seen housing is one of the most important issues that lgbt seniors are talking about so it will be critical to have a number of people on the
of the democratic club. i want to thank you for creating this important task force. i got to sit here for a while and it s just awesome what is happening here in this historic moment. i want to acknowledge we re sharing that feeling today and i m sure you are too. i m proud to speak in support of michael costa who has served on our executive board as our treasurer for many years. from direct experience, michael will be an effective and conscientious task force member who brings his passion and ability to every service he undertakes. his application résume i think were excellent. he ll bring his experience as a healthcare policy consultant to the task force, in addition to all the years that he s had as a healthcare activist in the lgbt community to which i can directly attest. getting healthcare for the lgbt community has been and will continue to be a daunting challenge. our community has faced the challenge of support for hiv illnesses, addressed the special health needs o
if you have so, you know, i don t know how we want to do this, but we know there are a couple of names that i want to throw out as names that i think, based on what i have seen and based on some of the work that i have experienced firsthand, i think individuals that i think should be added, and maybe you guys can also, you know, list some of the names that you think should be added as well. you know, i ve worked with tommi mecca for many years on many different issues, and i do think that, you know, what he said in his presentation about getting things done is true, of how he approaches things. so i would add tommi to the list. we heard a number of people speak on behalf of jazzie collins, and it s not just because of the clever jazzie sí puede, but i think that certainly nailed it for me. and you know, we have also you know, we heard from marcy edellman and the long history of work around these issues. i think points to the kind of experience that you want to see. so le
list kaushik roy of shanti. i would add that name. and also michelle alcedo. chair kim: two more names, i think we re actually getting close to 15 and i have to count. but i d like to add into the consideration scott hits you cana. we don t necessarily appointed this many people at a time. usually we do staggered terms but because this is a creation of a new task force that makes it a little more challenging. i think i have 15. chair kim: yeah. so we do have 15 applicants before us, currently. and i m comfortable with this group. i think it represents a diversity in the lgbt community. it looks like it can be a consensus motion moving forward. i do want to say, and i m sure my colleagues would like to speak as well. i think this is an incredibly hard choice and part of the consideration is not just your experience but also the diversity that you will add to the committee because we do want a diversity of perspective, whether it s from the medical field, as a social work
rodriguez. supervisor wiener probably has some. supervisor wiener: i can crash the party. there are a few i want to mention. one is bill ambrunn was in a lot of ways wasn t the only moving force behind this but he was the one who cracked the whip on all of us from the very beginning and made sure this happened. so i think he would be a phenomenal addition. daniel redman, who is just done tremendous work. i think it s also important on the diversity of the committee to acknowledge this is an intergenerational thing and there are young people doing tremendous work on senior issu issues. and ashley mccumber, meals on wheels, i think food and security, and isolation is a very significant issue with a lot of seniors. and then i could list like 10 more but i don t want to hog the microphone. chair kim: thank you. so while supervisor wiener cannot make a motion, we certainly would like to take into consideration, as author of this legislation, i certainly support all of the name