Comedy by Danielle Dresden based on the stories of Madison-area DIYers and inventors, 1/19-28, TNW Ensemble Theater, at 7:30 pm Friday-Saturday and 2:30 pm Saturday-Sunday. $25.
University Theatre presents Shirley Lauro s play drawing on the experiences of six women in Vietnam during wartime, 7:30 pm on 3/3-5 & 8-11 and 2 pm, 3/6, Vilas Hall-Hemsley Theatre. $25.
University Theatre presents Shirley Lauro s play drawing on the experiences of six women in Vietnam during wartime, 7:30 pm on 3/3-5 & 8-11 and 2 pm, 3/6, Vilas Hall-Hemsley Theatre. $25.
University Theatre presents Shirley Lauro s play drawing on the experiences of six women in Vietnam during wartime, 7:30 pm on 3/3-5 & 8-11 and 2 pm, 3/6, Vilas Hall-Hemsley Theatre. $25.
University Theatre presents Shirley Lauro s play drawing on the experiences of six women in Vietnam during wartime, 7:30 pm on 3/3-5 & 8-11 and 2 pm, 3/6, Vilas Hall-Hemsley Theatre. $25.