Cinco galerías mallorquinas acudirán a la feria internacional de arte contemporáneo Estampa que se celebrará, entre el 21 y 24 de octubre, en el Recinto Ferial de Madrid, recuperando así su fecha habitual después del parón obligado por la pandemia. Además, pondrá en marcha de nuevo el programa de coleccionistas extranjeros tras las restricciones provocadas por el virus.
Hi ha qui considera que al gener comença l'any, d'altres en canvi es regeixen sobre el calendari escolar, sigui quina sigui la posició, crec que tothom estarà a favor de dir que les vacances estiuenques sempre marquen un abans i un després en el rellotge laboral, fam.
Jordi Ribes Inviting You To Take Off Your Socks @ L21 Gallery, Islas Baleares, Spain
L21 Gallery // February 12, 2021 - March 12, 2021
February 23, 2021 | in Painting
The explorations of Italian, Spanish, and Dutch Golden Age painters and their particular focus on creating dramatic light effects meant to intensify scenes of biblical, historical, and cultural significance led to the development of tenebrism and chiaroscuro, and enabled these artists to enhance the illusion of three-dimensionality. Works of art created in the 16th and 17th centuries not only set the path for 19th-century realism and impressionism, but they also permeated various forms of 20th-century and present-day visual arts, notably filmmaking, painting over photographs, and graphic design. The importance of those explorations is evident even in current 3D modeling software and the video games industry, where such a technical approach is still the core of the depiction of perspectives.