Here’s Why Immigration Should be a “Three-Branch” Issue, and Why it Isn’t Right Now
Here’s Why Immigration Should be a “Three-Branch” Issue, and Why it Isn’t Right Now
December 20, 2020
The United States, from its Native American predecessors who immigrated to North America around twenty thousand years ago to the millions of European immigrants who arrived many years later, often prides itself as the embodiment of diversity and opportunity for all. Still, it’s difficult to say that the U.S.’ reputation precedes it when looking at the harsh realities of its contemporary immigration policies and the discriminatory history of its overall immigration system. Whether it’s the “kids in cages” being referenced in the 2020 presidential debates or the fact that immigrants, even children with no legal guardian to represent them, are forced to argue for their right to asylum without any legal right to an attorney, immigration is an oft-misunderstood topic that is co