Friday, 5 February 2021, 11:26 am
New Zealanders all over the country will be colouring
their world and brightening thousands of lives again this
For the sixth year running the Resene Hunger
for Colour fundraiser will be offering crafty Kiwis a chance
to get their colour fix and help struggling families in
their community, by swapping a can of food for a 60-80ml
test pot of Resene paint. Throughout the month, the public
can swap up to seven cans for seven Resene testpots with all
cans then donated to their local Salvation Army
In six years, the annual fundraiser has
Press Release – New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Kiwifruit growers to help struggling kiwis Kiwifruit growers to donate through The Foodbank Project Kiwifruit growers to extend foodbank drive across New Zealand New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc., the industry body which advocates for 2,800 growers, …
Kiwifruit growers to help struggling kiwis
Kiwifruit growers to donate through The Foodbank Project
Kiwifruit growers to extend foodbank drive across New Zealand
New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc., the industry body which advocates for 2,800 growers, is encouraging its members to pitch in and donate to the most vulnerable through The Foodbank Project, a joint partnership of Countdown, The Salvation Army and Lucid.
Tuesday, 22 December 2020, 8:55 am
ASB has teamed up with The Salvation Army to provide
5,000 hampers for those in need across the country this
Each parcel contains enough food to help
families share in a meal with their loved ones at Christmas,
bringing a little joy to the end of a tough year.
Salvation Army’s director of Community Ministries, Jono
Bell, says this year has been harder than most for a lot of
New Zealanders, and the hampers will be a big
“For some, Christmas will be a welcome end to
a difficult year. But for many, this will be the first time