Kenya ranked highest African nation in Network Readiness Index 2023, with digital change happening at faster pace across the continent than expected Ke.
USA world’s most network ready country, with Canada (11th) and Brazil (44th) taking second and third spot across the Americas The United States has ret.
UNDER EMBARGO until 14:00pm (GMT) November 20 2023 China the only middle-income economy to feature in top quartile of NRI 2023 China secures its posit.
UNDER EMBARGO until 14:00pm (GMT) November 20 2023 The Russian Federation takes first place in CIS region, with Uzbekistan a brand-new entry in the glo.
UNDER EMBARGO until 14:00pm GMT November 20 2023 UAE drops two places but remains in top 30 of Network Readiness Index 2023, with Saudi Arabia and Qata.