Part 1 can be found here. Part 2 is worse. Much worse. The teams are better, sure. It’s just that… oh, you’ll see. I feel bad, yet I apologize for nothing. More Road Ahead Indiana Last year: 4-8 (2-7 B1G), no bowl game Recap: In last year’s preview, I compared Indiana’s 2021 season (favorably, to be fair) with the Plague of Justinian. And by that standard, 2022 Indiana was pretty good. Way fewer boils. Significantly less vomiting. Generally less mass death and decay. Indiana was still bad. Their two P5 wins over Illinois in the opener and Michigan State in mid-November were best described as “inexplicable.” Against Michigan State, they completed ZERO passes in regulation and managed to win. But they won. Which still counts. And they played Maryland, Rutgers and Nebraska close, and hung with Michigan for about 2.5 quarters. Now they’ve been gutted by graduation and the portal. It might be Plague Time once again. When last we saw them: Of all Michigan’s mediocre
When Solo: A Star Wars Story premiered in 2018, it paid tribute to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark in a subtle Easter egg many fans missed.