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MANSFIELD - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown visited the North End Community Improvement Collaborative Urban Farm Tuesday morning and liked what he saw sprouting up in his hometown.
Brown, a Democrat, said the site is an example of local communities working with Congress and the Biden administration. The last round we passed a recovery program the American (Rescue Plan) relief act where we put shots in peoples arms and money in peoples pockets and businesses back up and running. and put kids back in school, he said.
Brown echoed comments by the Chamber of Commerce President Jodie Perry that people have been put back to work with federal programs to help them.
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MANSFIELD - If you re interested in manufacturing, you soon will be able to come and see hundreds of products made in north central Ohio including appliances, tires, pumps, Klondike bars, cigars and pieces made for streetcars.
The North Central Ohio Industrial Museum will officially open to the public this summer inside the lower east diagonal wing of the historic Ohio State Reformatory, showcasing the history of manufacturing in Mansfield and surrounding areas.
Jerry Miller of Ontario, who has been spearheading the effort for seven years, this past week opened the museum to invited guests including dignitaries, financial sponsors and donors of artifacts. Miller said a lot of the historical items were stored in the early 1990s at the Bissman Building and now have a permanent home.