SIR – Margaret Scaldwell, who was put in a coma after she was hit by an e-bike (report, February 4), calls for controls on them and e-scooters. Having been forced off the pavement by a scooter recently, I agree with her. In a misguided attempt at reducing carbon emissions, many councils have designated parts of their pavements as cycle paths. This is despite the fact that cycling on the pavement is still illegal. E-scooters, unless part of council trial schemes, are classed as motor vehicles, an
SIR – Regarding the potential for the British Government to veto the SNP’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill, David Frost suggests that “there will be people whispering in the PM’s ear:
SIR – I cared for my wife with semantic dementia for 10 years, then employed a carer for two years, before placing her in a care home for her final two years.