24 yards away. Maidana, will await. When it left his head i thought it was going in. It was a great ball played in. He had to reach back in behind could not generate enough power. But he want that had back post. It looked like irwin had it covered. He had to reach back a little. He could not really snap it. He did a great job of directing it that way. Not only a great crowd today but so loud, so supportive getting louder and louder with each opportunity that the union have had. A aristequieta played back and now forward toward wenger, and he is going to get called. Sjoberg got it. Sjoberg was moving in that direction maybe a little tug there from wenger. Trying to move his team up. Irwin, long, for brown, blocked by edu off of block. Brown got a piece. Vittoria did as well. He a saw that danger. And then moves forward. It is blocked. Pittinari, clipping it. And serna after it. Aristequieta what is that . Penalties are very easy to call. I thought pittinari. Unaudible. Not that it reall
Certainly is. I am talking about a master of a mountain which had just come out in paperback. And that dont think i can do any better than to quote my colleague, jonathan yardley, who placed the book on his best books of 2012 list, so here is his castle description of the book and the controversy that it set off. A fine book that fits no precise category, master of the mountain , Thomas Jefferson and his lifes. The devastating picture of the slavocracy maintained by the author of the declaration of independence of his plantations at monticello and elsewhere. The complexities of race in america have preoccupied when sec for years and have now produced three exceptional books. The others by the harrison, an American Family in black and white, and an imperfect god, George Washington, his slaves, and the creation of americans of which this may be the best. It is beyond the much told story to leave no doubt that given the choice between economic wellbeing of his holdings and the rights of t
Welcome to the event. I am Jonathan Yardley the book critic of the Washington Post. The Washington Post has been a charter sponsor of the National Book festival since the inception 13 years ago. They play an active role in many of the planning and promotion. I am instructed to remind you this presentation is being taped. And you should stay off the camera rises in the back of the pavilion. At the National Book event, the final day of the oneday festival was a presentation by scott berg about this book about charles wilson. He is back now. He was promoting his book of maxwell perkins. We have had a great friendship every since. He is the author of many books and now this biography of Woodrow Wilson. He has placed great emphasis on a man whose personal life was interesting and important. Scott . [ applause ] thank you very much for being here this afternoon. Thank you jonathan. That was a very welcoming welcome coming from someone i considering being one of the greatest writer critics in
Then finally, when i was 25, i took my fathers name. Cspan where did you get the name skippy . Guest from the time i was born the day i was born, my uncle raymond called me skipper, and then it became skippy. We were piedmonts on the river piedmont, West Virginia, is on the Potomac River, two hours west of washington, so theres a whole marine mentality there, and so i became the skipper. Cspan before we go back and talk about the past, what are you doing now . Guest im the chairman of afroamerican studies at harvard and a professor of english. Cspan and how long have you been doing that . Guest this is the beginning of my fourth year. Cspan you write to your daughters in the beginning and you suggest that, eventually, after going through all the different names, they may get back someday to calling people of africanamerican descent or whatever colored. Do you really think so . Guest yeah, it could well be. I mean, Stranger Things have happened. You see, most people dont realize that we
On booktv on cspan 2. Good afternoon. I am so glad to see all of you here on this Beautiful Day to join a National Book festival. Mine is in a Community Affairs at wells fargo for the midatlantic region. And so want to be here representing wells fargo is both an avid reader myself. I really dont remember a time in my life when i wasnt an avid reader. I just loved reading. I grew up in a very small town in North Carolina and had the benefit of the library account be an adjacent to backyard. But at the library of congress obviously, but its a wonderful asset to the community. Around the corner to parents to pick out books and am feeling very, very grown up when i got to go by myself to check out books myself. Ive attended here today come you must all know books can take you to foreign lands and give you a different perspective about your neighborhood. They can introduce you to people that came generations before and connect people in real time. My favorite incident happened to me when i