Health boards in both South Hadley and Holyoke rescinded their municipal-wide mask mandates on Tuesday evening.The decisions were the latest in a flurry of action as municipalities decide whether to lift or modify their mask mandates. Holyoke’s.
Just under 100 adults with developmental disabilities in San Diego County are in adult foster homes, but advocates say they hope the word will spread about the alternative program.
IMAGE: This artist s rendering shows a synthetic polymer (purple) that activates STING proteins (yellow and green motifs) for cancer immunotherapy. view more
Credit: Shenyang Zhiyan Science and Technology Co. Ltd.
DALLAS - Feb. 8, 2021 - A new nanoparticle-based drug can boost the body s innate immune system and make it more effective at fighting off tumors, researchers at UT Southwestern have shown. Their study, published in
Nature Biomedical Engineering, is the first to successfully target the immune molecule STING with nanoparticles about one millionth the size of a soccer ball that can switch on/off immune activity in response to their physiological environment.