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Sputnik International
Though she encountered hardships throughout 2020, Kardashian West admits that the "challenging year" made her grateful for the little things, which she says was a "huge cleanse."
Some have suggested that Ivanka may consider a political run of her own in 2024 and analysts believe she could win the Florida seat.
This would enable her to make a bid for the presidency if Mr Trump doesn’t try to run for office too.
Others believe she will return to working in real estate and on her fashion line, which she did prior to the 2016 US election.
In the wake of Mr Trump’s loss to President Biden – by 306 Electoral College votes to his 232 – his relationship with Ivanka is being reexamined.
After the defeat, Ivanka tweeted that it was “the honour of a lifetime” to serve the former US President and she was “proud” of what she achieved.
| UPDATED: 11:00, Sat, Jan 23, 2021
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Ivanka Trump emotional during Donald Trump’s final speech Sign up to receive our rundown of the day s top stories direct to your inbox
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Since President Joe Biden’s inauguration this week, many have speculated about the future of Mr Trump and his family. The former US leader is embroiled in his second impeachment trial, which is scheduled to unfold in the Senate next month after he was accused of “inciting insurrection”. It followed rioters, some of whom were Trump supporters, raiding the Capitol building on January 6 in a violent clash that led to the deaths of six people and many injured.