0 yeah, most people will actually be better off in the situation they re describing under the plans. but i have a different take on this. lawrence, i don t think the president ever meant, you will have the exact plan you have. that s impossible. companies change their plans every year. everybody in america with health insurance knows their plan changes every year. what he was saying if you don t want to be in the exchanges and been private health care you can still do it. that was the point that i thought always understood he was making. let s listen to what bill clinton said is the take away, the one line if you could quote one line from bill clinton about the affordable care act. he would like it to be this. the big lesson. we are better off with the law than without it. joy reid, you have to assess about this. republicans, every one of them, say absolutely we are worse off because of this law. yeah, for the, approximately 40 million people who have no health insurance at a
republicans, keith, the fact of the matter is, i understand that the president is going to spend maybe 18 hours in total. it s not a pleasure trip and believe it or not you can get work done on air force one. mitt romney made his political career after helping turn around the 2002 olympics at salt lake city, the winter games. are the republicans actually worried in here that this might be a success story, sort of taking their turf or at least romney s turf away from them? i think they have more things to worry about. i mean the just say no campaign and the environment, they re already seeing their polls dropping and when their major spokes people are people like glenn beck and rush limbaugh and sarah palin, you know that they re in trouble, and it s not just the olympics. it s a panacea of things but the olympics thing makes it seem like they have forgotten recent history. great luck with your book, and great things for your time tonight. that is countdown, for this