Popcorn and Inspiration: “A Few Good Men”: The Marines Who Stand Guard on the Wall
“A Few Good Men” is a court-martial drama based on a true story: At the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, a Marine named William Alvarado informed on a fellow Marine who apparently fired shots into Cuba.
This ratting-out was responded to with a “Code Red,” which is Marine jargon for the time-honored military disciplinary ritual of hazing. In the traditional military, any situation involving wall-to-wall, natural-leader alpha males each one of whom is highly confident that he could take over and run the show at any time there needs to be painful, memorable hazing incidents to knock sense into the men’s heads and ensure they put team and country first. This is very enjoyable for all involved except the “hazee,” of course (until such time when he becomes the “hazer”). This is