Seventy-eight year-old Jon Greenwald is lobbying to be the next US Ambassador to Budapest May 9, 2021 9:12 pm·
Seventy-eight year-old (!) Princeton and Harvard trained Jon Greenwald wants to be next US Ambassador to Budapest. He has already contacted the Biden team and declared that he wishes to serve the US in Hungary. Greenwald also wrote a letter to Béla Lipták (Hungarian Lobby) about his past Hungarian experience and motivations and we asked permission to re-publish it. Here it is.
Jon Greenwald
Thank you for our good conversation Friday. I shall look for your book when it is published next month, but today I want to respond to your email and explain a little further to the Hungarian Lobby why Eastern Europe and particularly Hungary are special to me, and why I have told the Biden team that I wish to serve our country there. I’ll try also to respond briefly to the important points in your message