The Jaguar XK150 drophead coupe belonged to a farmer who bought it as a restoration project about 30 years ago. It was left to rust before a car buff learnt of its existence.
The Jaguar XK150 drophead coupe belonged to a farmer who bought it as a restoration project about 30 years ago. It was left to rust before a car buff learnt of its existence.
Sunday, August 28, 2022 - A car which was used by the late Diana, Princess of Wales has been sold for £650,000 at auction. Princess Diana, who died nearly 25 years ago, drove the black Ford Escort RS Turbo for nearly three years from August 1985. The bidding began at £100,000 on Saturday, August 27 and…
A car which was used by the late Diana, Princess of Wales has sold for £650,000 at auction, a BBC dispatch said.It said: Princess Diana, who died nearly 25 years ago, drove the black Ford Escort RS Turbo for nearly three years from August 1985. She was pictured with the car outside the boutique shops […]