Vivaldi has launched the latest version of its web browser with a raft of major new features, including an email client, calendar RSS feed reader and more
Vivaldi has always been one of the more interesting of the Chromium-based browsers, in no small part thanks to its emphasis on building tools for power users in a privacy-centric package, but also because of its pedigree, with Opera's outspoken former CEO Jon von Tetzchner as its co-founder and CEO. Today, the Vivaldi team is launching version 4.0 of its browser and with that, it's introducing a slew of new features that, among many other things, include the beta of new built-in mail, calendar and RSS clients, as well as the launch of Vivaldi Translate, a privacy-friendly translation service hosted on the company's own servers and powered by Lingvanex.
DuckDuckGo, Vivaldi join Brave in opposing Google s new ad-targeting tech Thursday, 15 April 2021 06:44 DuckDuckGo, Vivaldi join Brave in opposing Google s new ad-targeting tech Featured Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay
The companies behind privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo and Norwegian browser Vivaldi have joined the Brave browser chiefs in opposing Google s new experimental ad-targeting technology known as Federated Learning of Cohorts.
In statements released on Wednesday US time, the two companies slammed the move by Google, with Vivaldi chief executive Jon von Tetzchner
calling the new data harvesting venture nasty .
said FLoC was bad for privacy. Google has created a new tracking method called FLoC, put it in Chrome, and automatically turned it on for millions of users, the company said.