and for men, the message is we need yo to the step up you to step up. we need you to work, we need you to the start a family. you can change this country if you will take on the responsibilities and be all that that you could be. maria: i mean, is this all coming from the progressive lift? we just is had kevin mccarthy on, and he said bernie sanders is running discussions for joe biden when it comes to the debt ceiling negotiations. the progressive left, the radical left is totally in control of this administration. they re increasingly in control of the entertainment industry and academia, for sure. and when it comes to our kids and gender, what they re telling our kids in schools is there s something wrong with you if you want to be the gender that you were created to be the, the biowith logical gender you were born with. they re going behind parents backs, they re shoving this ideology down our kids throats. we need to stop this, and the book is all about how we can say to you
your listeners have to the understand this, is it a revenue problem or a spending problem? in the last 50 years, we would average about 17% of gdp in revenue. right now we re almost at 20%. only two times in american modern history have we ever got here, 1944 and 2000. so we have more money coming into the coffers than at any time in history. the real challenge is our spending. our spending on average for the last 50 years has been about 21%. well, in fy-22 after the democrats had taken over, we re roughly over 24% of gdp, so it s a sheer spending problem. it s very odd me what the president says. we have never offered something different than we talked about the entire time. the pivot has really been after bernie sanders had his press conference. the president pivoted back. he actually proposed spending billions more next year than we spend this year. the president s budget actually proposes spending more money than we spent at the height of the pan chem you can. we just can t pande
going up, not down. that s the only reason we re mt. room. but the president has really shifted right after the more progressive, socialist wing of the party stood up and said they want to spend more money. he s now bringing manager to the table that everyone said was off the table. it seems as though he wants default more than he wants a deal. that s not where i m at. and the one thing you know about me, maria, i will never give up. maria: yes. we can solve problem and make our economy stronger, curb inflation and be less dependent on china and and really focus on american problems with american solutions. maria: so do you think bernie sanders is among those leading this for the president? well, he really wags the dog. i mean, when bernie sanders or aoc says something, the white house shifts the other way. i m sorry, nobody believes in my household that you should spend more money. think about what a debt ceiling is. it is your child having a credit card, and they spent all the mo
(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) don t worry. sell and buy in one move when you start with opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com the b if ali conference, that s when president xi and i agreed we were going to do and meet on, and then this silly balloon that was carrying two freight cars worth of spy equipment was flying over the united states, and it got shot down. maria: after a full week, it was shot down. that s president biden earlier this morning calling the chinese spy craft that flew over the continental united states and hoveredded above our military installations for seven days a silly balloon. as the leading g7 nations met in japan this weekend, chinese president xi jinping held a summit of his own with five
of missouri, right over our military installations. by the way, the administration lied to congress and said it wasn t rank mitting any information back to beijing. oh, now we know it was the, it sure as heck was, and what did joe biden do about it? nothing. biden could have shot it down before it got to the continental united states, before it got to the alaska. he didn t do it. maria with, as far as i can tell, his whole policy so to make china rich, america poor, to make us more dependent on the chinese whether it s for solar panels or electric batteries or whatever it may be, critical supplies. his whole policy is to make this nation dependent on china. it s a terrible mistake. maria: well, i mean, why in i don t even understand this. even his climate change agenda has many of the components made in china like batteries and solar panels. so as he pushes a climate agenda in america, he s pushing the production of everything to china. absolutely. sending jobs to the china. the enti