Devastated by cuts to WSU Children’s Center (4/7/2021)
From: Jennifer Anderson and Dave Crawford, Heather and John Casper, Marcy Faircloth and Caylan Larson, Diana Perez, Kathy and Brian Jicinsky, Allison Quam and Andy Bloedorn, Claire Richards and Sam Michael, Katie Subra, Meghan Booth and Jon Mauser, Heather and Patrick Reilly, Nicole Herold, Jessica Schmidt, Dylan Blumentritt, Dani and Joe Holtzclaw, Elizabeth Thiel and Travis Norman, Abby and Brian Kugel, and Joe West and Valeria Stepanova
It is with great pride that we send our children to the Winona State University (WSU) Children’s Center, a childcare option representing everything early childhood education should be. Each classroom is led by a teacher with a four-year degree in early childhood education. These teachers earn a livable wage for their experience, skill, and heart. We are better parents for having the Children’s Center in our lives.