Sometimes our writers are lifesavers. Their stories create a desire in a person to take action and help another human being. I pray that Jon Brauchle’s story on Andrew “Dru” Guerra featured on this week’s front page will be that life saver. Dru and his wife, Amanda, happened to live for many years in
Who’s ready for the FREE Ultimate 80s Party in the Park this Saturday at the Pleasanton River Park? It’s the 3rd annual Ultimate 80s Throwback Party with music starting at 7:30 p.m. However, get there early as the fun starts at 6:30 p.m. There will be food, face painting, photo booth and vendors, a
This week I wrote a front-page story on four amazing humans from Atascosa County. Shana and Cody Baker, Erica Lopez and Tasha Meyer. It is such an honor to be trusted to tell someone’s story. You would think that writing a story about people I really know, and love, would be easy but to