requiring our students to learn as ninth graders is we ll be requiring them to learn about global warming and third world debt relief. reporter: he says that s not the way to go, jane. jane: molly henneberg in d.c. for us, thanks molly. jon: fresh snow in parts of the northeast, and guess what? a new storm on its way. heavy rain, sleet, and ice developing over the southern plains. i was just thinking about my weekend. janice was just telling us during the commercial break about what s coming, and oh man. jane: it could rival the storm we got before christmas, d.c., over a foot of snow. i want to show you these average to dates, look at philadelphia, baltimore, d.c. and richmond, three times the average already and we could get on top of that over a foot of snow with the next storm system. this storm system is depart departing, not worried about this one, this one getting
for the u.s. senate but didn t campaign against mark kirk the five-time republican congressman who ultimately won the nomination last night. they didn t criticize him particularly addressively and many have signaled they intended to get behind him anyway in the general election should he have won the nominee as opposed to the potentially more conservative rivals who did compete and didn t win. tea party movement is out there and they do play a role and they are expected to be a big part of the republican will be/ republican/independent vote come fall and thes what kirk is trying to court but as a social moderate there are social conservatives in the tea party movement who may have some differences with him. the benefit as republican illinois this is a socially moderate state and kirk believes his being pro-choice and supporting gay rights and supporting some gun control measures will actually help him in cook county which is the big population center around chicago where a lot of the
iranians what are they saying about the cig enough kants of this lawn snch. mahmoud ahmadinejad the iranian leader is puffing his chest up saying this is a sign the iranians can defeat the west and they should be able to defeat the west when it comes to sign toughic technology and so clearly trying to say this is a show of iran greatness and that sort of thing. trying to play on his country s nationalism if you will so he is obviously saying it s a great day for the iranians and they have said they want to put a communications technology in space by late next year. but we will wait and see if they re able to do that on their own jon. jon: going to have to get some bigger lifting power than that little rocket. there is a message here for the rest of the middle east and the world, huh? reporter: no question about that. they want to be able to say to the u.s., the west and a lot of other nations around the world despite the sanctions against them that they are moving forward. they are
body parts and ms. sanford said she couldn t stand no know her kids would end up reading all of that on line. jon: well, the field is set now in the november election to fill president obama s former senate seat. a race that could have national implication. illinois democratic state treasurer alexi to face republican congressman mark kirk. this after the nation s first party primaries of 2010. the g.o.p. believes it has a chance to pick up another seat in the traditionally blue state with a popular congressman from the chicago suburbs who is known for moderate views. chief political correspondent carl cameron is live in chicago with more. we understand carl voter turnout was historically low in illinois yesterday. why is that? reporter: well, you know, scandal and core runs and incompetence takes its toll on the voters they get kind of tired of it after a we ll and while and doesn t exactly motivate them to
graduates who have been unable to find work in their fields of study. they have also contributed to the problem by taking lower paying jobs and taking johns jobs away from potential teen workers and lastly very quickly i should mention there s the minimum wage which was increased over the summer. some have argued the increase in the minimum wage to 7 and a quarter has essentially out priced teens from the workforce. the minimum wage by the way went up 41ing% 41% just over the last last three years. jane? jane: wow, david lee miller in the bronx for us. thanks. jon: spikey the german shepherd mix safe as he can be with his owner right now but oh, boy, we all held our broth when he struggled to breath when he strug told stay above the rising waters of the los angeles river. did you see this rescue? spikey pulled to rescue by a firefighter. he bit the firefighter for his trouble but he and his owner are here with a happy reunion story.