The National Housing Trust, NHT, has expanded the number of partner institutions under the revised External Financing Mortgage Programme, EFMP, to eight deposit-taking institutions and one full-service life insurance company. Up to July, just a.
The National Housing Trust, NHT, has expanded the number of partner institutions under the revised External Financing Mortgage Programme, EFMP, to seven deposit taking institutions and one full-service life insurance company. Up to July, just a.
The National Housing Trust (NHT) is expected to pay millions of dollars in interest to commercial banks and other financial institutions when it offloads mortgages for contributors earning $30,001 or more weekly to these entities. The change, which.
The National Housing Trust, NHT, expects to onboard more partners, including credit unions, merchant banks and building societies, under the newly revised External Financing Mortgage Programme by August, when the long-standing Joint Financing.