Amidst polling in the state in the phase 2 of the Lok Sabha elections, Karnataka’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Friday said a case has been booked against BJP’s sitting MP and Bangalore South candidate Tejasvi Surya for “posting a video in X (formerly Twitter) handle and soliciting votes on the ground of religion.”
Sub: Disclosure It is hereby informed that, a penalty of Rs.0.22 crore has been imposed on the Bank by Joint Commissioner of State Tax, Chattisgarh for matter/s.
Bus stands and roads leading out of city full as citizens travel to their home towns for polling - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
The Gujarat government on Thursday announced immediate transfer and appointment of several IPS and SPS officers across the state to optimise leadership within the police force.Gagandeep Gambhir, IPS, has been appointed as the Inspector General .