Laurie Kilmartin is a veteran comic, a best-selling author, and an Emmy-nominated writer for Conan. She is also a newly minted anime fan, coming to it initially as a pandemic bonding activity with her 17-year-old son. He tricked her into enjoying animated violence, sexy wizards, and the occasional bit of cannibalism. Laurie also asks the big pop culture questions: How did Daryl from The Walking Dead get to France? Was the ever-dashing Kimba a white lion or a white tiger? Why would you name one character Light and another L? Join Laurie as she gently guides you through the anime pipeline and into dreamland.
Since 1985, KUVO has provided a rare blend of music & news. We broadcast the best in Jazz, Latin Jazz & Blues in addition to 17 locally produced, culturally diverse programs.
Since 1985, KUVO has provided a rare blend of music & news. We broadcast the best in Jazz, Latin Jazz & Blues in addition to 17 locally produced, culturally diverse programs.