This being the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Blair Mountain, I thought the following story would be of interest to those readers who actually care about local history. While
Forgotten Firearms: 5 Guns the U.S. Army Said No Way To
While we won t claim this is comprehensive, here are our top picks of some of the worst U.S. Army guns ever. Thankfully, most never saw wide service on the battlefield, or none at all.
Firearms design isn t easy, and even trained engineers have had trouble turning a concept into a reliable weapon. And while countless small arms used by the United States Army became the stuff of legend, for every success like the Thompson submachine gun or M1 Garand there are those guns that are best forgotten. While we won t claim this is comprehensive, here are our top picks of some of the worst U.S. Army guns ever. Thankfully, most never saw wide service on the battlefield, or none at all.