Write to even though you are never to see it or know it. A very poignant letter written by a grieving mother. There was a terrible accident. The train ride was very devastating for the family. The axelrod broke on the train and, her son did not survive the crash. She said the loss of her son was gods punishment. The house was too much to take care of. She was not interested in housekeeping. She was not capable of taking care of the house. Pierce himself was seen as a failure in the office. It was probably the unhappiest of all presidencies. Good evening, and welcome to cspans first ladies influence image. In this program we learn about the final mueller first ladies of the antebellum era. We meet jane pierce whose tenure in the white house was defined by overwhelming loss. By the time she and her husband Franklin Pierce arrived at the executive mansion, they had lost all three of their young sons and this reluctant first lady finds herself crippled by grief. For the next 45 minutes we
Caught on camera, the terrifying moment a bookcase falls on two children. Theyre okay, but this morning the powerful message from their mother. Plus, the surprising study revealing the car company that now ranks last in quality. And blazing the trail, meet the all women crew of this big city fire station. Good thursday morning to you, everyone. Thank you for joining us. The cdc is now predicting the u. S. Will see 150,000 deaths from the coronavirus by the middle of next month. In terms of new cases of the virus, were back to where we were in april with nearly 35,000 infections each day. The big concern right now is in arizona, texas, florida and california. Breaking overnight, weve learned that dozens of secret Service Officers and agents are now in selfquarantine after President Trumps rally saturday night in tulsa. Two of their colleagues have reportedly tested positive. The Trump Campaign did not comment overnight. Meanwhile on wall street, stocks falling overnight after the dow lo
A recent Conference Call with House Republicans discussing the you know the latest 3 trillion 1. 19 relief package politico is now reporting that the corporate joel himself promised the beefed up Unemployment Benefits and acted earlier this spring will not be in the next bill and the mcconnell said that republicans are going to quote clean up the democrats crazy policy that is paying people more to remain unemployed than they would earn if they went back to work in other words promising but the Unemployment Benefits keeping millions upon millions upon millions of u. S. Citizens afloat during these times of crisis will be no more by the end of july essentially forcing you back into the low paying workforce to face the distinct possibility of death by coded for either you and your loved ones thank you mitch but fear not because mitch did reveal that he has some heart left in the. In that in that husky calls a body his heart is just not for you according to Common Dreams on that same phon
Earlier this spring will not be in the next bill and then mcconnell said that republicans are going to quote clean up the democrats crazy policy that is paying people more to remain unemployed than they would earn if they went back to work in other words promising that the Unemployment Benefits keeping millions upon millions upon millions of u. S. Citizens afloat during these times of crisis will be no more by the end of july essentially forcing you back into the low paying workforce to face the distinct possibility of death by cove it breather you and your loved ones thank you mitch but fear not because mitch did reveal that he has some heart left in that in that in that husky calls a body his heart is just not very you according to Common Dreams on that same phone call mcconnell continued advocating aggressively for the inclusion of corporate liability per. Texans in the next stimulus package in order to quote shield corporations from legal responsibility for workers who contract cod
And sal you take. As ive stated before sometimes it takes a life or death crisis to reveal someones true colors especially when it comes to our political leaders take Us Senate Leader Mitch Mcconnell who this week showed us just once again how little he cares about the plight of the American People on a recent Conference Call with House Republicans discussing the you know the latest 3 trillion dollar code 19 relief package politico is now reporting that the corporate job will himself promise that beefed up Unemployment Benefits and acted earlier this spring will not be in the next bill and the mcconnell said that republicans are going to quote clean up the democrats crazy policy that is paying people more to remain unemployed than they would earn if they went back to work in other words promising but the Unemployment Benefits keeping millions upon millions upon millions of u. S. Citizens afloat during these times of crisis will be no more by the end of july essentially forcing you back